Presentationsteknik, Retorik

Effective presentation techniques

Betyg 4,75 av 5.0

Being a good presenter or a convincing speaker comes with many benefits, both in working and private life. If you can engage your colleagues, customers or clients and convince them of your strategy, your proposal or your solution you have everything to win.

This e-course has received the average rating 4,75/5,0 ⭐

The same goes for convincing your partner about implementing a schedule for cleaning the bathroom. If you want to develop your presentation skills, get to know what actually convinces people, how you can get them to listen to you, which arguments are effective and how you can structure a presentation, this is the course for you.

The course is three hours long (45 min x 4) and will cover everything from preparations to execution to give you a sound basis to stand on. A recurring theme is how you can adapt presentations to the digital format – a real challenge today!

Rhetoric & argumentation – 45 min
Great presentation skills builds upon the theory of rhetoric and argumentation. Rhetoric basically means finding the ”right way” to convince your listener. So, what typically convinces a listener and what are important things to consider when you wish to convince your listener of your idea, strategy, product or proposal?

Structure & content – 45 min
Building a great presentation means both having the ”right” content but also making it easy for your listener to follow it and understand it. So, how can you structure your presentation to make it clear, engaging, inspiring but also easy to follow your train of thought?

Keeping listeners attention and avoiding ‘death by PowerPoint’ – 45 min
We all know how tiring it can be to listen to a lengthy presentation with loads of packed slides. Is it possible to change this? Is it possible to keep the listener awake throughout a presentation? And if so, how?

Body language, voice and coping with anxiety – 45 min
Even if you’re presenting online or in physical meetings your performance matters a great deal. So, what is important to think about when it comes to gestures, mimicry and just general movements? What is a good presenters’ voice and how can you keep your nerves in check?

By participating in this digital crash course you will gain knowledge about:

  • How to prepare a great presentation
  • Keeping listeners attention and engaging them
  • Body language & voice
  • The difference between in-person presentations and online presentations.
  • Coping with anxiety
  • Creating and presenting slides (ex. PowerPoint)

Purpose and goals:
This digital crash course provides you with the necessary tools, knowledge and inspiration for presenting something to an audience. The ultimate goal is to provide you with a sound basis, making you more secure when you need to present in front of different audiences – whether it might be digitally or in-person. The course covers all aspects of presentation skills; from preparations to execution and will give you insights into what “great presenters” do so you can develop your own presentation technique.

Target group:

Anyone having presentations as a part of their working day ex. HR, solicitors, lawyers, economists, technicians etc.


The course is three hours long; four sessions at 45 min each.


3 990 SEK excluding VAT.

The course ends with a quiz in which you can ensure your newly gained knowledge.

Frågor om kursen?

Telefon: 08-579 366 00
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1.990 kr (exkl. moms)

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presentation-board 8
 Image of
Jenny Rosqvist
Retorikkonsult, VD
Jenny har arbetat som utbildare i retorik sedan 2005 och driver sedan 2011 utbildningsföretaget på heltid. Hon har tidigare...
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