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Welcome to our exclusive Nordic employment law convention 2024 set on beautiful Ellery Beach House.

Day 1

BG Institute offers the course Nordic employment law 2024 – Latest news and recent practice/case – law in collaboration with lecturers from Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Finland. All lecturers have extensive experience within employment issues on the Nordic market. The course is held in English and moderated by lecturers from Sweden.

As participant you will be brought up to speed on current topics from each country, such as:

  • Vacation rights
  • Work environment
  • Whistleblower protection
  • Dismissal and termination
  • Working hours
  • Forms of employment

Day 1 has particular focus on the latest and upcoming changes in labor law in Norway, Denmark and Finland. The course is held in English and moderated by lecturers from Sweden.

As participant, you will gain further knowledge regarding:

  • News in legislation in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland.
  • New case-law/practice in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland.
  • Discussion about particularly relevant topics regarding employment law from each country.

Day 2

 Day 2 will be a deep dive into handling termination of employments for personal reasons, such as poor performance and misconduct. To maximize the relevance of the content and get close to reality, the lecturers include break out sessions with discussion of practical cases that you most likely will encounter at your workplace. This in-depth day is therefore of great relevance for people who work with and are responsible for employment law issues at companies with employees in the various Nordic countries.

As participant you will receive an in-depth study of the differences and similarities in employment law in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and Finland regarding termination of employments due to personal reasons:

  • Termination due to personal reasons – basic concepts
  • Termination due to personal reasons – applicable rules in each country
  • Termination due to personal reasons – formalities and procedures in each country
  • Termination due to personal reasons – break out session and case discussion
  • Termination due to personal reasons – risks and remedies under law
  • Termination due to personal reasons – strategic questions

The course takes place at the luxurious Ellery Beach House on Lidingö outside Stockholm.

The course price includes: 12 course hours,  exclusive single rooms, pre-drink, three course dinner at Palmers restaurant including wine, in the evening, as well as breakfast, lunch and coffee on both course days.

On Wednesday evening, Beach Club Access is also included (four hot pools, 2 saunas, fire-relaxation and bathing jetty – as well as loan of beach slippers and ultra soft bathrobe).

Target group:

HR managers, HR directors, HR personnel, Personnel manager and others who have responsibility for personnel in one or more Nordic countries (Sweden, Norway, Denmark and/or Finland.)

Day 1.

08.00 – 09.00
Registration and breakfast

09.00 – 10.15
Session 1

10.15 – 10.30
Coffee break

10.30 – 11.30
Session 2

11.30 – 12.30

12.30 – 14.30
Session 3

14.30 – 14:45
Coffee break

14.45 – 16:00
Session 4

16.00 – 19:00

Beach Club Access

19:30 – 20:00

Pre-dinner drink


Three-course dinner at restaurant Palmers including a wine package.

Day 2.

08.00 – 09.00

09.00 – 10.15
Session 1

10.15 – 10.30
Coffee break

10.30 – 11.30
Session 2

11.30 – 12.30

12.30 – 14.30
Session 3

14.30 – 14:45
Coffee break

14.45 – 16:00
Session 4


End of course.

Frågor om kursen?

Telefon: 08-579 366 00
Kontakt: Kontakta oss



23.900 kr (exkl. moms)


Den här kursen har för närvarande inga tillgängliga datum. Om du är intresserad av att delta så kan du skicka in en intresseanmälan nedan. Du meddelas när vi har fått ett flertal intressenter.

Du kommer ej att debiteras någon kostnad vid en anmälan.

For holders of ”Kompetensabonnemang Premium” the price is SEK 3,900 to participate in this course. 

Do you have ”Kompetensabonnemang Digital” and want to participate? Contact


presentation-board 4
 Image of
Antti Rajamäki
Advokat (FI)
Antti Rajamäki works as an employment law counsel at Dottir Attorneys and advices clients on all employment law related matters...
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Dino Kalamujic
Dino är partner på edpLaw Advokatbyrå och är specialiserad på arbetsrätt. Med fjorton års erfarenhet har Dino hjälpt internationella och...
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Håkon Andreassen
Advokat & partner (NO)
Håkon Andreassen is partner at Norwegian employment law boutique firm Storeng, Beck & Due Lund. He has extensive experience from...
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Johan Sundberg
Johan Sundberg är advokat på edpLaw och har mer än 20 års erfarenhet av dataskyddsfrågor och arbetsrättsfrågor. Han är rankad...
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Jonas Enkegaard
Advokat & partner (DK)
Jonas Enkegaard is a partner with the law firm Skau Reipurth in Copenhagen. He specialises in employment and labour law....
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